Our values:
our actions

The qualities we believe in bring us together and guide the Exelite group.

The words that comprise our values are not just words, they provide meaning and a way of acting. For us, values mean, above all, conduct.


Markets change form and values, lifestyles evolve and create new expressions in fashion and habits. We do not just react to new contexts, we anticipate changes and develop models without pre-packaged processes.


The criterion for gauging our activities is the results generated, whether stylistic or financial. The Group's ambition is derived from our way of perceiving resources, talents and stories, a unique capital which we feel is ready to handle the challenges of the market and face the future.


The core strength of our Group is the expertise and drive of each individual, with his or her gifts and specific abilities: we harness our human resources by firstly focusing on relations between individuals to generate relational synergies between the individual companies.

Italian attitude

Creativity, intuition and the capacity to imbue every product with quality is symbolic of everyone (including us) born in a country which makes beauty its native cultural environment.


We choose to define respect as sustainability which is not just environmental, but also covers economic, financial and social aspects and relations with our partners.